bath salts

A street name for designer drugs which resemble bath salts and can induce violent behavior, visions of paranoia, nudity (using bath salts can raise internal body temperature), and EATING shit (research Matthew Hammond of Georgia). Yep, that's right, some loser named Matthew Hammond actually ATE his own shit after taking bath salts. He probably deserved it for taking bath salts. Do some research on Matthew Hammond of Georgia on bath salts if you think I'm joking. Really, do it. Don't forget about: * Carla Murphy of Pennsylvania who allegedly took bath salts after giving birth and later attacked hospital staff. * Robert William White of California who allegedly took bath salts and assaulted a woman and later claimed he was an alien who talked to Jesus. * Brandon DeLeon of Miami who allegedly took bath salts and threatened to eat people and tried to bite a cop. and many, many, more...
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to bath salts. Some of the top words include: Crackazoid, Junkie, scatophage, taint licker, White Ox, and 25 more.